Imported Disclosures

Workflow for declaring imported disclosures

When implementing our product SD, please check if you have made a disclosure in one of the countries that require the LastDisclosureValue. Please read more about it here. Furthermore, you can find a sample file here. Unlike the the other import files, these should be sent to [email protected] as we upload directly into the databases.

Column NameDescriptionData typeRequired
RuleIDID of the rule for which this disclosure was madeString(255)X
AggregationNameThe aggregation structure where the rule triggered onString(255)X
PortfolioOrEntityIDID of portfolio/entity where the rule triggeredString(255)X
ISINISIN of the instrument which triggered the ruleString(255)X
IssuerIdID of the issuerString(255)X
IssuerNameName of the issuerString(255)X
ValueOwnership Percentage At Filing: Inputting 6.25 here is equivalent to 6.25%Decimal(28,8)X
DateDate of disclosure. This must reference the actual trade date when the disclosure value was calculated. Choosing a weekend is not validDateX

Data Requirements

  • IssuerId needs to be needs to be consistent throughout time so that the system can link the imported disclosure to another disclosure in the future.

Example File

1019,Voting,100,AT292972016,6792031,Red Bull GmbH,Disclosure,4.08,2018-12-21
1020,Voting,100,AT292972016,6792031,Red Bull GmbH,Disclosure,4.08,2018-12-21
1270,Legal,100,CNE000000W05,1269110,China CSSC,Disclosure,6.01,2018-10-19
1270,NULL,14,CNE000000W05,1269110,China CSSC,Disclosure,6.01,2018-10-19