Imported Disclosures

Workflow for declaring imported disclosures

When implementing our product SD, please check if you have made a disclosure in one of the countries that require the LastDisclosureValue. Please read more about it here. Furthermore, you can find a sample file here. Unlike the the other import files, these should be sent to as we upload directly into the databases.

Column NameDescriptionData typeRequired
RuleIDID of the rule for which this disclosure was madeString(255)X
AggregationNameThe aggregation structure where the rule triggered onString(255)X
PortfolioOrEntityIDID of portfolio/entity where the rule triggeredString(255)X
ISINISIN of the instrument which triggered the ruleString(255)X
IssuerIdID of the issuerString(255)X
IssuerNameName of the issuerString(255)X
ValueOwnership Percentage At Filing: Inputting 6.25 here is equivalent to 6.25%Decimal(28,8)X
DateDate of disclosure. This must reference the actual trade date when the disclosure value was calculated. Choosing a weekend is not validDateX

Data Requirements

  • IssuerId needs to be needs to be consistent throughout time so that the system can link the imported disclosure to another disclosure in the future.

Example File

1019,Voting,100,AT292972016,6792031,Red Bull GmbH,Disclosure,4.08,2018-12-21
1020,Voting,100,AT292972016,6792031,Red Bull GmbH,Disclosure,4.08,2018-12-21
1270,Legal,100,CNE000000W05,1269110,China CSSC,Disclosure,6.01,2018-10-19
1270,NULL,14,CNE000000W05,1269110,China CSSC,Disclosure,6.01,2018-10-19