Usage Policy

What we ask of our customers

Rate Limiting

FundApps reserves the right to rate limit requests in the event there are many within a short space of time, responding 429 as the HTTP status code. This may happen when too many requests are sent within a short period of time to one of the following:

  • Base URL: Too many requests are sent to all resources shared by the Base URL (e.g https://{company}
  • Resource: Too many requests are sent within a short space of time to a single API resource.

Rate Limits will vary service to service.

Penetration & Stress Testing

We ask clients to observe our available penetration test report available here


Users are not permitted to conduct penetration or stress tests of the platform

Any penetration or stress test must :

  • Not test the resources of another customer/tenant
  • Disclose any suspected findings to the FundApps Security team for explanation/discussion